Washington County Sheriff's Office

Welcome! This is an official application for a license to carry. You must completely and accurately fill-out this application to be considered for a license. Any falsification of the information within this application will result in the refusal of this application for a license to carry.

non-refundable processing fee is required. In addition, an online service fee is required to process payment. These fees will be charged even if your application is denied.

Please read the following before proceeding:

Applicant Information:

Driver's License / Non-Operator ID: (or other State Issued ID)

Information Related To Your Birth:

Demographic Information:

feet inches

Telephone Number: (###-###-####)


Please Create A Password: (you can use this to track progress, and we may need to contact you during the process)

Password Information: In order to comply with CJIS standards we have employed the use of a password complexity monitor. As you enter your password, we will display an indicator of complexity. You will only be able to submit passwords that are sufficiently complex as to be considered 'safe' by CJIS standards. The visual indicator will turn Blue or Green to indicate that your password is safe.

Important: CJIS requires we maintain a strict password policy and system of checks. As such, we check the following items as you enter your new password:
  • The password must be a minimum length of eight (8) characters on all systems
  • The password must not be a dictionary word
  • The password must not be the same as your email address
  • The password must not be a proper name

Current Residence Address: (this may be different than your mailing address)

Present Mailing Address: (if different from residence address)

Spouse Residence Address:

Attach Documentation: please upload the required documentation

If you need to upload documentation, please use the 'Add Files' button below to begin the process. The maximum size of individual files is 5 MB. The address on government-issued IDs must match the address on this application.

  • Permanent Resident card (green card) Front & Back including any applicable extension letter, if applicable. Note: an original Permanent Resident card is required to be brought with you to your appointment to pick up your license. 
  • Naturalized citizens must provide your Naturalization Certificate.
  • Non-Citizen with a Non-Immigrant VISA
    • Hunting License
Out-of-State Applicants:
  • Out-of-State CCW License

Uploaded Files:

Add files...
Please select a document type then, click on the “Attach” button to complete the upload process.

Select Your Application Type:

Total Fee:


I have never been convicted of a crime that prohibits me from possessing or acquiring a firearm under Federal or State law.  I am of sound mind and have never been committed to a mental institution or mental health care facility. I hereby certify that the statements contained herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.  I understand that if I knowingly make any false statements herein, I am subject to penalties prescribed by law.  I authorize the sheriff, or his designee, or, in the case of first class cities, the chief or head of the police department, or his designee, to inspect only those records or documents relevant to information required for this application.  If I am issued a license and knowingly become ineligible to legally possess or acquire firearms, I will promptly notify the sheriff of the county in which I reside or, if I reside in a city of the first class, the chief of police of that city. This certification is made subject to both the penalties of § 4904 of the Crimes Code, 18 Pa.C.S., relating to unsworn falsifications to authorities and the Uniform Firearms Act. 

Please enter your e-Signature

For security purposes, we logged your IP Address:,,
User's Signature

Application Qualification Questions:

Is your character and reputation such that you would be likely to act in a manner dangerous to public safety?

Have you ever been convicted of an offense under the Pennsylvania Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act CSDDCA)? (Any Pennsylvania drug conviction under the CSDDCA is prohibiting for a license to carry.)

Have you ever been convicted of a crime enumerated in 18 PA.C.S. § 6105(b), or do any of the conditions listed in 18 PA.C.S. § 6105(c) apply to you?  Click here for the list of offenses.

Have you ever been adjudicated delinquent for a crime enumerated in 18 PA.C.S. § 6105 or for an offense under the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act?

Have you ever been involuntarily committed to a hospital/health care facility for a mental health condition or other treatment, or adjudicated incompetent/incapacitated? 

You may check "NO" if you have been granted relief or expungement in Pennsylvania pursuant to either 18 PA.C.S 6105(F)(1) or 6111.1(G)(2), or by the adjudicating/committing state pursuant to a qualifying mental health relief from disabilities program, as set forth in 34 U.S.C. § 40915.

Are you an individual who is a habitual drunkard, or who is addicted to or an unlawful user of marijuana or a stimulant, depressant, or narcotic drug?

Are you now charged with, or have you ever been convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year?  This is the maximum sentence you could have received, not the actual sentence you did receive.  (It does not include federal or state offenses pertaining to antitrust, unfair trade practices, restraints of trade, or regulation of business; or state offenses classified as misdemeanors and punishable by a term of imprisonment not exceeding two years.) 

Have you ever received a dishonorable discharge from the United States armed forces?

Are you a fugitive from justice? This does not apply to moving or nonmoving summary offenses under title 75 (relating to motor vehicles), but does include outstanding arrest and bench warrants.

Are you prohibited from possessing or acquiring a firearm under the statutes of the United States?

If you are a resident of another state, do you possess a current license, permit, or similar document to carry a firearm issued by that state?  If yes, attach a photocopy of the document to this application if you haven’t already done so via the order tracker (instructions in submission email). 

Are you currently on any type of probation/parole which prohibits the possession or control of a firearm?

Please enter the reason for a license to carry firearms:

Enter: Self-Defense; Employment; Hunting/Fishing; Target Shooting; Gun Collecting; Other (Please explain).  You may enter more than one reason.

YES! I would like to make a donation to support the Sheriffs across Pennsylvania by donating to the Pennsylvania Sheriffs’ Association.

Your generosity will help us to continue our mission to preserve and protect the time-honored Office of Sheriff in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. You will receive email updates from the Pennsylvania Sheriff's Association on important gun law changes on both state and federal levels that affect you.

Through your donation, we will be able to continue to provide our Sheriffs with important training, influence legislation on both the federal and state levels that could impact our communities and monitor and update our Sheriffs on the ever changing firearm laws and oppose or support as warranted.

PLEASE NOTE: The license (if approved) will be issued regardless of any donation to PSA and that any such donation is purely voluntary.

I have never been convicted of a crime that prohibits me from possessing or acquiring a firearm under Federal or State law.  I am of sound mind and have never been committed to a mental institution or mental health care facility. I hereby certify that the statements contained herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.  I understand that if I knowingly make any false statements herein, I am subject to penalties prescribed by law.  I authorize the sheriff, or his designee, or, in the case of first class cities, the chief or head of the police department, or his designee, to inspect only those records or documents relevant to information required for this application.  If I am issued a license and knowingly become ineligible to legally possess or acquire firearms, I will promptly notify the sheriff of the county in which I reside or, if I reside in a city of the first class, the chief of police of that city. This certification is made subject to both the penalties of § 4904 of the Crimes Code, 18 Pa.C.S., relating to unsworn falsifications to authorities and the Uniform Firearms Act. 

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I have never been convicted of a crime that prohibits me from possessing or acquiring a firearm under Federal or State law.  I am of sound mind and have never been committed to a mental institution or mental health care facility. I hereby certify that the statements contained herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.  I understand that if I knowingly make any false statements herein, I am subject to penalties prescribed by law.  I authorize the sheriff, or his designee, or, in the case of first class cities, the chief or head of the police department, or his designee, to inspect only those records or documents relevant to information required for this application.  If I am issued a license and knowingly become ineligible to legally possess or acquire firearms, I will promptly notify the sheriff of the county in which I reside or, if I reside in a city of the first class, the chief of police of that city. This certification is made subject to both the penalties of § 4904 of the Crimes Code, 18 Pa.C.S., relating to unsworn falsifications to authorities and the Uniform Firearms Act. 

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